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3D Printer OS: Basics

An introduction to 3D printing in the Schulich School of Engineering MakerSpace

What is 3D printing?

3D printing is the process of creating physical models from scratch with layers of material, most commonly plastic. It is a form of additive manufacturing.

The 3D printers that we have available to you in the Maker Multiplex are mainly Prusa MK4s and Prusa i3 MK3s.

3d Printing in the Maker Multiplex

The Maker Mulltiplex has an array of as many as 30 printers open for students to print to their hearts content. As long as you follow the student code of conduct, and any Makerspace rules while you use the printers and occupy the space. The system is used through 3DPrinterOS, an online tool to create your prints and send them to our printer array.


This training guide will take you through a basic project to show you all of the functionality available in 3dPrinterOS and get you ready to start printing!


Prior to starting this training, please ensure that you have successfully completed the following:


The 3D Printing: Basics tutorial comprises of a written tutorial with a follow along project to get your familiar with this system..

We ask that you study the material found on this online guide and refer to it before asking staff questions to ensure the question has not already been answered.

NOTE: All prints done in the Makerspace MUST comply with the student code of conduct for the University of Calgary. Information on this can be found here (