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Makerspaces (CNRL Engineering Complex)

There are 7 main makerspaces that are primarily located in the basement of the CNRL Engineering Complex, Blocks A, C, and G. Click on the icons to learn more about the different rooms and the equipment in each.

Makerspace HQ (ENA 03)

Student Machine Shop
(ENC 09)

Electronics Makerspace (ENG 29)

Music & Sound Makerspaces (ENG 23 and 25)

Paint Booth (ENC 37)

Welding Shop (ENC 04)

3D Scanner Lab (ENG 27)

Zetta (ICT)

Zetta consists of 2 main spaces, located on the second floor of ICT. Learn more about each of the spaces and equipment by exploring the links here.

Virtual Reality Lab (ICT 224)

Robotics/Internet of Things Lab (ICT 215)

Interested in becoming a member?

If you are not yet a Schulich Makerspace member, it's easy to join! Simply take our online General Access Training to get started.