3D Scanner Lab room summary
The 3D Scanner Lab (ENG 27) is a space dedicated to high-fidelity 3D data capture. This space houses a state-of-the-art 3D scanner arm and a workspace for mounting objects to scan.
Location: ENG 27 (basement)
Hours of operation:
Mon-Fri |
(by appointment only) |
Room access requirements
Equipment in this room is operated by Schulich School of Engineering Technical Services staff only. However, members can request 3D scanning services for this room by completing the appropriate training and can access the room while a tech is processing their scan request.
To access these services, you must first complete:
In addition, you must complete the necessary 3D scanner training:
Room equipment details
Green equipment
Equipment in this category does not require any additional training prior to use. Once you have access to the room, you may use any equipment labelled with a green equipment sticker.
There is no green equipment in the 3D Scanner Lab.
Yellow equipment
Equipment in this category requires completion of additional training prior to use. Once you have completed the training, you may use the equipment without supervision.
There is no yellow equipment in the 3D Scanner Lab.
Blue equipment
Equipment in this category requires completion of additional training prior to use. Once you have completed the training, you may use the equipment with supervision.
There is no blue equipment in the 3D Scanner Lab.
Red equipment
Equipment in this category is operated by SSE Technical Services staff only. To request the equipment service, you must first complete additional training.
- Hexagon Absolute Arm 7-Axis with probes
- Hexagon RS6 Laser Scanner