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Maker Multiplex & Zetta: General Access Training

General safety

As you gain access to different spaces within M2 and Zetta, you should ensure you are familiar with each room, especially:

  • Exits and emergency exit paths
  • Locations of:
    • Assembly points
    • First aid kits
    • Fire extinguisher 
    • Nearest fire alarm pull
    • Nearest AED

Evacuation procedure

In the event of an evacuation, stay calm, make your workplace safe (de-energize equipment), take your personal belongings (coat, keys, ID) if easily available, and leave immediately. Close all doors along your exit route and proceed to the appropriate assembly point.

Medical emergency

If there is a life-threatening injury or illness, dial 911. If it is non-life-threatening, contact Campus Security at (403) 220-5333. Do not attempt to assist unless you have undergone appropriate training.


In the event of a fire, "RACE":

  • R: Remove anyone from immediate danger
  • A: Activate nearest emergency pull station
  • C: Close all doors to contain smoke and fire (if possible)
  • E: Evacuate via nearest safe exit

If you have any information about the fire, contact Campus Security at (403) 220-5333.

For more details regarding emergency response plans, consult the University of Calgary's Emergency Response Plan document:

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

When working in M2Z, ensure you have the right PPE for the task at hand.

  • For all tasks in the Maker Multiplex and Zetta, you should wear long pants and closed toe shoes.
  • Safety glasses must be worn when operating moving powered equipment.
  • Dust masks should be worn if creating or working around fine particulates.
  • If operating rotating machinery, loose or flowing hair or head coverings must be tied back securely. Long sleeves should be rolled back. No drawstrings or hoods.

HQ (ENA 03) safety information

In the event of evacuation, exit through the doors and turn right. Head outside. The assembly point is the ICT Food Court.

The first aid kit and fire extinguisher are both located at the front of the room, to your right just as you enter the doors.

The nearest fire alarm pull is out the doors and to your right.

The nearest AED is outside ENG 24.