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Lathe and Mill: Crash Course

Access and use policy

  • Milling machines and lathes are not to be accessed or used at the University of Calgary by anyone other than those specifically authorized to do so, and only under supervision. Authorization requires the successful completion of both online and in-person components of this training program.
  • Before attempting to operate a Bridgeport Mill or South Bend Lathe, student must read through the appropriate Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) and attend the in-person training session with technical staff. Milling machines and lathes can only be used under supervision of trained technical staff.
  • During supervised periods, as in labs, no student may leave a workstation running unattended.
  • Only one person may operate a mill or lathe at a time. NEVER operate a milling machine or lathe without an appropriate supervisor. NEVER operate a milling machine or lathe while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

Emergency procedures

  1. Stop work, and de-energize equipment if it is safe to do so. There are kill switches located on each machine that cut power to the machine. The kill switches on the mill are located on the electrical box next to the spindle switch. The two kill switches on the lathe are located on the front of the lathe next to the quick change gearbox and under the chip tray at knee height (so that it can be engaged by the operator’s knee). The laboratories where the machines are located are also set up with two main kill switches that cut power to all machines in the lab. Use these if you witness an accident at another milling station or lathe instead of approaching the machine.
  2. Call Campus Security 403-220-5333 or 911 if immediate danger is present.
  3. If an emergency alarm sounds, exit the building at the nearest safe exit and proceed to the appropriate assembly point, before calling campus security from a safe location.
  4. In the event of a fire, activate the nearest fire alarm along the exit path, which will automatically dispatch the Calgary Fire Department. Wait until you reach a safe distance to call Campus Security. State your name, location and the nature of the emergency.
  5. Report accidents, incidents and illnesses via the Online Accident Report System.

When evacuating a building, close all doors behind you along the exit route, and use the nearest exit to leave the building. Do not use the elevators. The designated assembly point for this area is the ICT Food Court.

Personal protective equipment (PPE)

Mandatory PPE: safety glasses, protective shoes, appropriate clothing

NOTE: Appropriate clothing requires long pants and closed-toe shoes such that the ankle and foot are covered and protected. A shop apron may be worn over this. Long sleeves, gloves, rings, watches, neck ties, hoodies and any garments or hairstyles that may risk entanglement cannot be worn and are strictly prohibited. (Long hair must be tied back, sleeves rolled up and cell phones turned off.)

Optional PPE: hearing protection, face shield

Associated hazards

  • Projectiles
  • Cuts
  • Entanglement
  • Noise
  • Electric shock

Clean up

  • Ensure the machine has been turned off. Turn off the digital read-out control panel.
  • Organize and put away all cutting tools, tool holders, and accessories for that work station.
  • Use a vacuum, brush or rag to remove chips and oils from tooling, table slots, and the surrounding area. T-slot cleaners may be used for the recesses of the milling table.
  • Wipe down all unpainted or machined surfaces with a lightly oiled rag.


  • Ensure all metal or wood shavings are swept up and disposed of appropriately. Do not store aluminum and steel shavings in the same area. Clean metal chips may be recycled in the appropriate bins.
  • Used rags, gloves, and other consumables may be disposed of in garbage bins around the lab.
  • If an oil spill occurs, absorbent material is available to help clean up the mess.
  • For other material, consult with a supervisor.
  • For the lathes: DO NOT use compressed air to blow chips off – this may drive them deeper into crevasses or send sharp chips flying in a hazardous direction.

Please note

If you have any questions or concerns, ask the supervising technicians.