In this guide, we are going to use Adafruit to create or IoT interface. Adafruit IO is one such cloud provider focusing more on IoT deployments on the cloud. Adafruit IO supports different hardware like Raspberry PI, ESP2866, and Arduino.
1. Use the link above to go to navigate to the Adafruit IO page.
2. Create a free account and log in to your account.
3. From the navigation bar on the top choose IO.
4. Click on the welcome dashboard and you will see some example widgets there.
5. From the setting icon on the top right of the page, click on create a new block.
6. For temperature, humidity and soil moisture feeds you can create a block to monitor the value. We used a guage which is on the top right of the first row.
7. Give your feed a name e.g temperature/ humidity/ soil-moisture. This name should be the same name as the variable to send the feed value that you used in your Python program.
8. You can used the below setting for creating your feed for temperature/ humidity.
9. You can use the guage for soil-moisture but set the min value to 200 and max value to 800.
10. Create a block like a switch to turn on/off the watering system.
11.Use the below setting for it.
12. Your dashboard should look similar to the below figure.