We will now add a code to change the scenes when: clicking on the Play button in the Main Menu scene and when clicking the Menu button in the End Screen scene.
Navigate to the Scripts folder
Right-click in the folder > Create > C# Script
Name the script "SceneChange", click on the script to open it in Visual Studio
Copy the following code into the script and save the file:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;//SceneManagement Library is require to load new scene in the game
public class SceneChange : MonoBehaviour
public void PlayGame()
public void MainMenu_button()
public void QuitGame()
Navigate to the Scenes folder
Click on the Main Menu scene
Click on the dropdown of Canvas > PlayButton, in the Inspector window:
- From the Scripts folder, drag the SceneChange script
- Click on the Plus sign of the On Click ()
- Drag the SceneChange script into the placeholder
- In the dropdown for function > SceneChange > PlayGame
Click on the dropdown of Canvas > QuitButton, in the Inspector window:
- From the Scripts folder, drag the SceneChange script
- Click on the Plus sign of the On Click ()
- Drag the SceneChange script into the placeholder
- In the dropdown for function > SceneChange > QuitGame
Navigate to the Scenes folder
Click on the End Screen scene
Click on the dropdown of Canvas > MenuButton, in the Inspector window:
- From the Scripts folder, drag the SceneChange script to the inspector window of the MenuButton
- Click on the Plus sign of the On Click ()
- Drag the SceneChange script into the placeholder
- In the dropdown for function > SceneChange > MainMenu_button
Navigate to the Scenes folder
Click on the Game scene
Click on Window tab > Rendering > Lighting settings
Check the Auto Generate box