Access trainings enable you to use more rooms and equipment.
Not yet a makerspace member? Take our General Access Training today!
Room access trainings are usually available online and can be started at your convenience. These will help you orient yourself in the space by providing an overview and important safety considerations. You must complete the corresponding room access training prior to using a space.
Equipment access trainings are usually a hybrid of online and in-person components. These are required to teach you how to use the equipment safely.

Room access trainings
New? Start by taking our online General Access Training:
Interested in accessing rooms aside from Makerspace HQ? Get started with the appropriate room access training:
- Music and Sound Access TrainingThe Music and Sound Makerspaces (ENG 23 and ENG 25) are a great resource for music "making" and include sound booths, a digital mixer and a small selection of instruments.
- Electronics Makerspace Access TrainingPrototype your electronics projects in our Electronics Makerspace (ENG 29).
- Student Machine Shop Access TrainingLearn and develop your metalworking skills at the Student Machine Shop with our tools, including drills, bandsaws, mills, and lathes.
- Welding Makerspace Access TrainingThe Welding Makerspace (ENC 04) is one of our spaces for metalwork.
- Paint Booth Access TrainingOur Spray-Tech/Junair paint booth (ENC 37) is a large-scale facility for projects requiring painting. The booth is 27'x14' in size and is equipped with temperature controls for optimization.
- Robotics/IoT Lab Access TrainingThe Robotics/Internet of Things Lab is a space for building, developing and testing solutions for robotics and IoT applications.
- VR Lab Access TrainingThe Virtual Reality Lab is our specialized lab for visualization technology development, including virtual reality, augmented reality and mixed reality applications.
Equipment access trainings
Note: This list only includes equipment that requires training before you can use it. For all learning resources, visit our Learning Resources page.