RoboScratch, Blockly, and EZ-Script are used to run code for the robots.
The RoboScratch and Blockly tabs can be opened in the file tab. They both have commands available in blocks, with blockly having a few more codes than roboscratch. The block of codes added will appear in Javascript by clicking the Javascript tab, they are only viewable and not editable in Javascript. The codes can be saved or loaded by clicking save workspace or load workspace, and they can be ran by clicking start.
Add the script control by clicking Project tab > Add > Scripting > Script control. The script control will be added on to workspace. Press … on the script control, will open the script panel. This can be used to run Java Script, EZ Script, and python. A cheat sheet and variables for the coding languages are accessible on the tabs on the right. The code can be saved by clicking save and they can be ran by clicking run.